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Old 08-22-2013, 6:56 PM
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Reconsnake Reconsnake is offline
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Originally Posted by problemchild View Post
"A currency is whatever is accepted as a medium of exchange. It can be paper money, gold or wheat berries (which have been found with mummies 2000 years old). For it to be accepted, the recipient has to be assured that it has the desired value for the good being exchanged. For paper money, that comes from the imprimatur of the issuing government.
That is just as true for gold. It is only the backing of governments that gives gold any value."--Nasdaq writer
In the debate, you offer analogies to support your idea, which are all debated, and when you cant debate the opposing and conflicting points of view, you resort to a quote you found somewhere by someone no one knows? You stated something which you probably knew would be contested, so that you could receive a response; now give some supporting reasons why you think this to convince us, or reveal your hidden intentions.
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